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Configuration and Compatibility Testing

Configuration and compatibility testing entails validation of an application’s behavior in a variety of environments. It determines the instant or long term effects of configuration alteration on the system’s performance and behavior. This testing is essential to validate compatible configurations and to get alert to incompatible ones.

At ITQCR, our configuration and compatibility testing facilitate applications to run impeccably across multiple Browsers, OSs & Mobiles. Whether you have shopping online applications, educational software, network software, websites, or utilities, our compatibility services can build a configuration methodology and matrix to identify the most favorable number of blends.


  • Test your Web application for correct function on several browsers, including Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, and Safari. Ideally your Web
  • application handles browser differences elegantly.
  • Check application function with a variety of browser security profile settings
  • Verify application function with browser features turned-off (JavaScript, Cookies)
  • Check browser rendering of your application’s user interface
  • Check the browser’s security settings for cross domain access and hacks
  • Verify consistent application function across multiple versions of a browser